Who is behind this initiative?

Fundación García Peralta and Fundació Horta Sud are the two foundations behind this initiative.

Cash donations are channeled through Fundación García Peralta. The money collected by the García Peralta Foundation will be transferred in full to Fundació Horta Sud, who will use it exclusively for the purchase of light vehicles (mainly motorcycles, electric scooters and bicycles) and to cover logistical costs, taxes, registration and insurance.

In this way, Fundació García Peralta facilitates to Fundació Horta Sud the administrative management of the receipt of funds and the processing of the corresponding donation certificates.

The donations of vehicles are received directly by Fundació Horta Sud, to transmit them later to the selected beneficiaries.

Fundació García Peralta, with CIF G-54941315, is registered under number 225A in the Registry of Foundations of the Valencian Community, while Fundació Horta Sud, with CIF G- 46214490, is registered under number 059(V) in the Registry of Foundations of the Valencian Community.

What exactly does this donation campaign consist of?

The campaign is aimed at providing light vehicles, such as motorcycles, electric scooters and bicycles, to people affected by the DANA in Valencia and its surroundings, and who have lost and/or had their vehicle damaged. Our goal is to help families regain their mobility and facilitate their return to normality. Yes, without any bureaucracy.

Why are we focusing on motorcycles and light vehicles?

Motorcycles and light vehicles are the most practical and efficient solution for urban travel. In addition, in emergency situations, they help to avoid saturating access roads to affected populations.

How can I collaborate with the campaign?

You can support this initiative in two ways:

  • Financial donation.
  • Donating light vehicles directly to the campaign.
What measures are taken to ensure that vehicles reach those who really need them?

We have a verification system with local entities, who ensure that vehicles are delivered to families according to the criteria of greatest need.

Can I donate a vehicle I already own?

Yes, if you have a light vehicle in good condition that you would like to donate, we appreciate your generosity! Please follow the instructions on the website.

Where does the money go?

The money raised is used exclusively for the purchase of light vehicles (mainly motorcycles, electric scooters and bicycles) and to cover logistical costs, taxes, registration and insurance. The money is collected through the García Peralta Foundation.

What is done with the donated vehicles?

The donated vehicles are inspected to verify that they are in good condition. Once validated, they are delivered directly to the families that meet the selection and need criteria, prioritizing those most affected.

Does anyone make money?

No, this campaign is completely non-profit. None of the organizing entities or their collaborators make any profit from this initiative.

Does the donor incur any additional costs?

No, for those who donate money or vehicles, there is no additional cost.

Does the beneficiary have to assume any additional expenses?

No, the beneficiaries do not incur any expenses. The vehicles are delivered to them registered in their name, with taxes and fees paid and with insurance.

Does the donor have any tax benefits?

Yes, as the donation, whether of money or vehicles, is made to a Foundation (Fundación García Peralta or Fudació Horta Sud, respectively), this gives the right to apply deductions in Personal Income Tax, Corporate Income Tax or Non-Resident Income Tax (between 40% and 80% of the amount donated).

How do I apply the tax benefit for the donation?

Fundació Garcia Peralta, the recipient of the money, will issue a certificate with your data and the purpose of the donation so that you can apply the deduction in your next tax return. Fundació Horta Sud will issue the same certificate for vehicle donors.

Am I also entitled to tax benefits for the donation if I am a foreign donor?

Yes, the Garcia Peralta Foundation is a Spanish public utility foundation. According to the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (Persche ruling C-318/07), foreign donors can apply the same tax benefits in their European Union (EU) member states as if they had donated to a public benefit organization in their own EU state.